Saturday, August 15, 2009

Win XP security Centre;virus protection ;not found?

I bought a computer with a copy of xp windows.can't get Windows updates until i buy genuine win no money.have a free download agv virus running but now the red sheild comes up on botton tool bar right side %26 when i go into it , it's reading i have no virus triall system mechanic %26 reading no virus system working.before windows was acknowledging agv but not now. any ideas???what happened/// is it still working[agv] but windows not reading it because not genuine windows .HELP. thanks

Win XP security Centre;virus protection ;not found?house call

you can get all the updates from this site.they are free. I also i have a xp pro that failed the WGA crap. go here to get them they also have all the good upgrades that microsoft wont give you.and the security center will say not working if you disabled theres. you can restart your computer and avg should be back running.and this free tool will help a lot in protecting from spyware %26 virus. good luck.

Win XP security Centre;virus protection ;not found?matchless

I hope that your help and support system is working. If so , better you adopt a system restore operation. It is safe and the problems can be rectified. You have to carefully select the date of restore. Ensure that the PC was functioning normally on the selected date for restoration. If you want to know an effective procedure for system restore please visit the following site.

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