Saturday, August 15, 2009

Un-removable AdWare? Running AGV & McAfee - Please help!?

I have a recurring adware infection. New Internet Explorer windows keeping opening ad hoc despte pop-up blocker, routine running of SpyBot, AVG anf McAffee full packages.

I have done deep scan and surfaced something called LOP.C and EXPLOIT.CVE-2006-1359 with AVG and deleted it, but the problem and trjans/adware continue to reoccur.

Does anyone have experience with this kind of virus an a fix?


Un-removable AdWare? Running AGV %26 McAfee - Please help!?computer security

Try Spybot Search and Destroy, it's freeware.

Un-removable AdWare? Running AGV %26 McAfee - Please help!?free spyware remobal

No. But we will be checking back to see if anyone answers this. We have a piece of Adware (ShoppersReports) that we have been unable to find and get rid of. Our antivirus program keeps finding it and putting a pop-up in the middle of what we are doing. We use Trend Microvirus.
i used windows defender on mine (free)
control panel-%26gt; add or remove progrmans-%26gt; remove the program and reinstall
First of all, what you have is spyware, and AVG and McAfee neither one will get rid of it. If you have SpyBot, you should download the latest definitions, then immunize the computer again, then run a full bot check. That's about the only way you'll find and remove this stuff.
You shouldn't be running AVG and McAfee at the same time...that's asking for trouble.

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