Saturday, August 15, 2009

Any powerful & effective antivirus or anti-spyware?

Any recommendations on a powerful %26 effective antivirus... as i think my pc is infected by virus.

a screen stating that there's an error in system 32 %26 it'll automatically restart... By the way my pc is protected by AGV antivirus 7.1 %26 AGV anti-spyware 7.5......

Any powerful %26 effective antivirus or anti-spyware?hp

honestly theyre all about the same ...the best protection is a knowledgeable user ...

Any powerful %26 effective antivirus or anti-spyware?mcaffee

For perfect free anti-virus,use active virus shield(download from you want to buy anti-virus,buy Kaspersky,it is the best.For free anti-spyware,use spybot search %26 destroy.But the best anti-spyware program is SpySweeper(you have to buy it).
Yeah but you have to pay for it. Its called Norton 360. I'm using that and its really helpful
I used to use Symantec producs for a long time , but I`ll never do that mistake again. They broke my PC and I didn`t even had a virus or spy. Anyways as also stated before, they`re all kinda`the same, it`s also about the user using the PC. It depend how often do you do scans and updates.

AVG it`s a very good one , I`m actually surprised you got a virus using AVG. You also need to realise that it`s ALWAYS the virus that comes out first and then the antivirus companies release an update to fight/delete/cure that virus.

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