Saturday, August 15, 2009

My internet explorer and fire fox are saying im not connected to the web but i am help!?

ok so i use the internet via a netgear wi fi card and a public hotspot that is near my house, since i installed spybot search and destroy, ad aware,agv 7.5 antivirus my firefoxbrowser stopped working, it said that a .ddl file was missing so i installed firefox 2 on my pc, that didnt help it said i couldn't connect so i started using an older version of internet explorer i wanted tabbed browsing so i updated to ie 7, but then it said it could not connect!!!!! now i am using the google earth browser!!!! whats up with that, im connected because i an ussing the google eartgh browser !

My internet explorer and fire fox are saying im not connected to the web but i am help!?norton internet security 2008

Hmmm... interesting problem.

You have two possibilities - either:

1) The Hotspot's blocking you for some reason

(doesn't like your IP address / the MAC address of your wifi / your browser / who knows)

Solution: Go into the hotspot and say you have a colleague coming in from out of town, that you've mentioned the place and ask if they have any set-up for access he should be prepared for. Ask them the steps so that there are no hassles.

2) Something's gone wonky in your computer.

Solution: Start up Google Earth and look up a new place on it. Vancouver, BC perhaps? I, personally, think Google Earth's running off the info it downloaded before, hence the check.

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