Saturday, August 15, 2009

Questions about a specific group and requesting that group doesn't answer?

How does that make sense? It seems if you wanted a true perspective on things, you'd ask those in that group. Otherwise, isn't it really only trying to generate a long list of insults?;...

Questions about a specific group and requesting that group doesn't answer?microsoft office

i agree with you mostly.

BUT, question everything simply wanted to see how different the view of the christian was about atheists than the reality of the atheist's decision to become atheist

Questions about a specific group and requesting that group doesn't answer?norton antivirus

The question is about Christians, not atheists. The asker wants to know what Christians think about a specific topic, not what atheists think.

Maybe I'm not explaining this correctly. The questioner does not want to know why atheists become atheists. He wants to know why Christians think that atheists become atheists.
It's his question and wants answer for sertain group. what's your problem?
No, if you look at the questioner's profile it says that he is the founder of an atheist/humanist website (implying he is probably an atheist himself). I agree with one of the above answers that said it was because he was truly curious about how Christians regard atheists, not merely looking for insults. I never even considered that perspective so it's kind of a cool question.
Lol, you know, that's so funny when people do things like that. People on here ask questions all the time about Islam and Muslims, yet when a Muslim/Muslims answer, they'd rather go with the most insane answer from someone who obviously has a grudge against Muslims, lol. I've seen the same done against Atheists, Jews and other minorities all the time. It's just really rediculous! People are looking for answers that agree with their hate-filled opinions rather than actually seeking out legitimate information. It makes people who ARE looking for real information stay away because they don't think they'll be taken seriously. Either that or we have to include in our questions "no offense to anyone, just seeking info" or something similar.

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