Saturday, August 15, 2009

My computer is that slow I thinks it may have stopped!? used disk clean and defraged it. Also used AGV Free to clean it up. But now it is dead slow on line and off line. I also got a pop up saying Window virtual memory was very low, but don't know what it means! Can anyone enlighten me?

My computer is that slow I thinks it may have stopped!?norton antivirus

could be your ram,well thinking could be loads of things so first thing is first try this bandwidth test link.

there are many other thing you can do,unless you do a reformat this option will ceratinly speed up your pc.

I don't know how advanced you are with regards to a PC.

OK......first off all PC runs slow because of all the crap that are on them first thing is to clean it all up.

open Internet explorer,find tools,Internet options,you need to delete files,cookies, history,delete all.

Find days to keep history,I'm sure you have it on 20 or 21,every time you visit a web page this stays on your hard drive,that's why pages take so long to load,Because its searching your hard drive......put it on zero,Or the lowest you are able,click apply.

OK that's cleaned a little.

Next click start,all programmes,accessories,system tools.disk clean up,do both drives.

Next click start again,all programmes,accessories,system tools,disk defragment,analyze both c and d to see if they both need a degragment.

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