Monday, August 17, 2009

I have agv security on my pc istill keep getting pop ups saying my pc is infected with spyware ?

i recently changed my internet security from norton to agv i have scanned but no virus appearing in results

I have agv security on my pc istill keep getting pop ups saying my pc is infected with spyware ?anti virus scan

The answer to your question will differ from person to person as they will tell you that the one they use is the best, but that is there personal preference.

From my experience , antivirus and anti spy ware is only as good as its data base, it does not matter, which one it is, if it has not got the virus in its data base then it will not pick up that particular virus,

There are thousands of wild viruses out there; your guess to how many is as good as mine. So I think in picking any antivirus and antispyware, is down to personal choice and which one you are happy with.

I have tried out most of them, paid and free versions and they all have their good points and their bad points. The two that I would not recommend, from my experience with them are Norton and Mcafee.

My experience with Norton was that it slowed my pc down that it was like having a virus installed, and Mcafee would not work for me. I have tried True Sword, did not think much of it gets rid of 3 viruses and then you have to buy it to remove the rest. That did not impress me.

Ones that I would recommend are AVG, ZONE ALARM, + OTHERS

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